Product code: 1021573
Product name: Soft and Safe Cap Scissors
Colour : Pink, Brown ( Sending at random)
[Quality Mark]
Material: ABS, Stainless Steel
Country of origin: China
Age recommendation: 14 years old (AU 13+)
Importer: Aseong HMP Co., Ltd., 6th floor, 2748, Nambusunhwan-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
Seller: Aseong Daiso Co., Ltd., 2748, Nambusunhwan-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea Consumer inquiry service: Same as seller
Return and exchange location: Purchaser or seller
According to the Consumer Dispute Resolution Standards announced by the Fair Trade Commission, you may exchange or be compensated for this product.
Do not use a broken item for safety reasons. Be careful not to put your fingers or other body parts between the handle or to avoid injury to the tip. Do not use on hard objects as it may cause teeth to come off. Leaving the blades wet can cause rusting. Do not drop or use recklessly as it may cause product damage. After use, clean dirty parts and store by covering the tips. Store in a place out of reach of children.
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